1. Cortisol levels rise in response to stress. (应对压力时,皮质醇水平会升高。)
2. Patients with high cortisol levels may experience weight gain. (皮质醇水平过高的患者可能会增重。)
3. Cortisol is a natural anti-inflammatory hormone. (皮质醇是一种天然抗炎激素。)
4. Elevated cortisol levels can lead to insomnia. (皮质醇水平升高可能导致失眠。)
5. Cortisol secretion is regulated by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. (皮质醇分泌受下丘脑和垂体的调节。)
6. Chronic stress can cause prolonged elevation of cortisol levels. (长期压力会导致皮质醇水平持续升高。)
7. Cortisol can affect blood sugar levels. (皮质醇会影响血糖水平。)
8. Cortisol plays a role in the body's response to infection. (皮质醇在身体对感染的反应中发挥作用。)
9. Cortisol levels vary throughout the day, with the highest levels in the morning. (皮质醇水平在一天中不断变化,早上水平最高。)