1. Porcellio scaber is a common species of woodlouse found in many countries. (Porcellio scaber 是一种常见的等足目动物,在许多国家都能找到。)
2. The porcellios were crawling around in the garden. (土豆虫在花园里爬来爬去。)
3. The biology students are studying the behavior of porcellios in the laboratory. (生物学学生正在实验室里研究土豆虫的行为。)
4. Porcellios are important decomposers in many ecosystems. (土豆虫在许多生态系统中都是重要的分解者。)
5. The children were fascinated by the porcellios they found under the rocks. (孩子们被他们在石头下发现的土豆虫所吸引。)
6. The porcellio rolled up into a ball to protect itself from the predator. (土豆虫卷成一团,以保护自己免受捕食者的攻击。)
7. Porcellios are hermaphrodites, which means they have both male and female reproductive organs. (土豆虫是两性生殖动物,也就是说,它们拥有雄性和雌性生殖器官。)
8. Porcellios are also known as pillbugs or woodlice. (土豆虫也被称为瓢虫或木虱。)
9. When porcellios are exposed to dry conditions, they will seek out moist environments to survive. (当土豆虫暴露在干燥的环境中时,它们将寻找潮湿的环境以生存。)