violent是什么意思 violent的读音、翻译、用法

violent是什么意思 violent的读音、翻译、用法



1. The violent storm caused extensive damage to the town.(暴风雨给该镇造成了严重的损失。)

2. The protesters became violent and started throwing stones.(抗议者变得暴力,开始扔石头。)

3. The film was criticized for its violent scenes.(这部电影因其暴力场景而受到了批评。)

4. She suffered violent abuse at the hands of her husband.(她在丈夫的手中遭受了严重的虐待。)

5. The city experienced a wave of violent crime last year.(该城市去年遭受了一波暴力犯罪。)

6. The earthquake caused violent shaking in the region.(地震在该地区引起了剧烈的震动。)

7. The dictator used violent methods to suppress dissent.(独裁者采用暴力手段来镇压异见。)

8. The patient had a violent reaction to the medication.(患者对药物产生了剧烈反应。)

9. The novel is known for its violent and disturbing content.(这本小说以其暴力和令人不安的内容而闻名。)

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