Pemphigus bursarius是什么意思 Pemphigus bursarius的读音、翻译、用法

Pemphigus bursarius是什么意思 Pemphigus bursarius的读音、翻译、用法

'Pemphigus bursarius'这个词语来源于拉丁语,意为“蓝色尘蝶”。

在植物学中,Pemphigus bursarius是一种蚜虫,也称为“肿胀蚜虫”。其体型较大,呈囊状膨胀状,多分布在繁茂的灌木丛中,会损害植物的叶片、枝干和果实,常常成为果树的害虫之一。

以下是9个含有Pemphigus bursarius的例句(英文):

1. Pemphigus bursarius can cause severe damage to fruit trees.


2. Controlling Pemphigus bursarius is important for a healthy fruit harvest.


3. The swollen appearance of Pemphigus bursarius makes it easy to identify.


4. Farmers should check for signs of Pemphigus bursarius infestation regularly.


5. Pemphigus bursarius feeds on the sap of plants, which weakens them over time.


6. Pemphigus bursarius is more common in areas with dense vegetation.


7. The damage caused by Pemphigus bursarius can lead to reduced crop yields.


8. Effective pest control measures can prevent Pemphigus bursarius from spreading.


9. Pemphigus bursarius is a common pest in orchards and vineyards.


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