1. 'Hong Xiuquan'是汉语的词语,翻译成英语为'Hong Xiuquan'。
2. 'Hong Xiuquan'在中国历史上是太平天国运动的领袖之一,也是中国近代历史上一个重要人物。
含有'Hong Xiuquan'的例句:
1. Hong Xiuquan自称是上帝之子,其宗教思想成为太平天国运动的主要信仰。
(Hong Xiuquan claimed to be the son of God, and his religious ideas became the main beliefs of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom movement.)
2. 太平天国是由Hong Xiuquan领导的,其目的是要推翻清朝政府。
(The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was led by Hong Xiuquan and aimed to overthrow the Qing government.)
3. Hong Xiuquan提出的太平天国十字旗成为了该运动的标志。
(The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom's cross flag proposed by Hong Xiuquan became the symbol of the movement.)
4. Hong Xiuquan在xx年自称是上帝之子并成立了太平天国。
(Hong Xiuquan claimed to be the son of God in 1851 and founded the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.)
5. Hong Xiuquan的信仰理念被认为是异端,在官方被视为禁教的运动。
(Hong Xiuquan's religious beliefs were considered heretical and the movement was officially banned.)
6. Hong Xiuquan在太平天国运动中领导了数百万人反对清朝统治。
(Hong Xiuquan led millions of people in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom movement to oppose Qing rule.)
7. 太平天国运动的失败与Hong Xiuquan的领导错误有关。
(The failure of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom movement was related to Hong Xiuquan's leadership errors.)
8. Hong Xiuquan是中国历史上一个备受争议的人物。
(Hong Xiuquan is a controversial figure in Chinese history.)
9. Hong Xiuquan被认为是中国现代社会变革的先驱之一。
(Hong Xiuquan is considered one of the pioneers of modern social transformation in China.)