'Aksai Chin'是印度的词语,中文翻译为阿克赛钦。它是位于中国西北部和印度东北部的一个争议地区,双方对该地区的领土归属存在争议。
1. The Aksai Chin region has been a source of contention between India and China for decades.(阿克赛钦地区数xx年来一直是印度和中国之间的争议点。)
2. The Indian government claims sovereignty over Aksai Chin, but China also asserts its territorial claims.(印度政府声称对阿克赛钦拥有主权,但中国也声称其领土主张。)
3. The Aksai Chin region is located at an altitude of over 4,000 meters above sea level.(阿克赛钦地区海拔超过4,000米。)
4. Chinese troops have reportedly been active in the Aksai Chin region in recent weeks.(最近几周,据报道中国军队一直在阿克赛钦地区活动。)
5. The Aksai Chin area is known for its stark beauty and challenging terrain.(阿克赛钦地区以其荒凉的美丽和具有挑战性的地形而闻名。)
6. The Aksai Chin dispute remains unresolved despite numerous attempts at diplomatic negotiation.(尽管进行了多次外交谈判,阿克赛钦争端仍未得到解决。)
7. India and China have both reinforced their military presence in the Aksai Chin region in recent months.(最近几个月,印度和中国都加强了在阿克赛钦地区的军事存在。)
8. The Aksai Chin region is believed to be rich in natural resources such as minerals and oil.(据信阿克赛钦地区富含矿物和石油等自然资源。)
9. The Aksai Chin region is a key strategic point for both India and China and is likely to remain a contentious issue for years to come.(阿克赛钦地区对印度和中国都是关键的战略点,未来很可能仍是一个有争议的问题。)