1. 'Liu Shan'是中文,翻译成英文是'Mount Liu',通常指中国四川省境内的一座山峰。
2. 去年夏天,我和朋友一起登上了Liu Shan,欣赏了壮丽的风景。Last summer, my friends and I climbed up Mount Liu to enjoy the spectacular view.
3. 我听说Liu Shan上有一个古老的寺庙,我们去看看吧。I heard there is an ancient temple on Mount Liu, let's go take a look.
4. Liu Shan被誉为川西壮丽山水的缩影,真的非常美。Mount Liu is regarded as a miniature of the magnificent mountains and water in western Sichuan, it's really beautiful.
5. 明天我们计划去Liu Shan玩,一定会拍到很多漂亮的照片。We plan to go to Mount Liu tomorrow, and surely we will take many beautiful photos.
6. 去Liu Shan需要带什么装备?Do we need to bring any equipment for our trip to Mount Liu?
7. 去年我在Liu Shan迷路了,差点就回不去了。I got lost on Mount Liu last year, and almost couldn't find my way back.
8. 你知道Liu Shan的海拔高度吗?Do you know the altitude of Mount Liu?
9. 她在Liu Shan上拍了很多美照,让我很羡慕。She took many beautiful photos on Mount Liu, which made me envious.