'Sogatodes orizicola'是拉丁语,翻译为“水稻蝽”。它是一种常见的稻田害虫,主要分布在亚洲地区,会吸食水稻的汁液导致大量减产。
以下是9个含有'Sogatodes orizicola'的例句:
1. The farmers in this region are struggling with the infestation of Sogatodes orizicola, which is causing a significant reduction in their rice harvest.(这个地区的农民正在为Sogatodes orizicola的肆虐而苦苦挣扎,这导致他们的水稻收成显著减少。)
2. Sogatodes orizicola is a major pest in rice paddies, and farmers have to resort to chemical pesticides to control its population.(Sogatodes orizicola是稻田的一种主要害虫,农民不得不使用化学农药来控制它的种群。)
3. The government has launched a campaign to promote the use of biopesticides as an alternative to chemical pesticides for controlling Sogatodes orizicola in rice fields.(政府发起了一项宣传活动,旨在推广使用生物农药来替代稻田中Sogatodes orizicola的化学农药。)
4. The researchers found that the population of Sogatodes orizicola is more sensitive to temperature changes than previously thought, which may help develop new control strategies in the future.(研究人员发现,Sogatodes orizicola的种群对温度变化的敏感度比之前认为的更高,这可能有助于未来开发新的控制策略。)
5. Insecticides with different modes of action have been tested for their effectiveness against Sogatodes orizicola, and the results showed that some products were more promising than others.(已经对不同作用方式的杀虫剂进行了对Sogatodes orizicola的有效性测试,结果表明有些产品比其他产品更有前途。)
6. Sogatodes orizicola is often accompanied by other rice pests, such as the rice stem borer and the rice sheath blight, which can further reduce crop yields.(Sogatodes orizicola常常与其他稻谷害虫一起出现,如稻螟和稻纹枯病,这会进一步降低作物收成。)
7. The traditional cultivation practices, such as deep plowing and frequent flooding, have been found to have little effect on controlling Sogatodes orizicola, and may even promote its population growth.(传统的耕作方法,如深翻和频繁灌溉,被发现对控制Sogatodes orizicola的影响很小,甚至可能促进其种群增长。)
8. A novel approach using transgenic rice plants that express an insecticidal protein has been proposed as a potential solution to the Sogatodes orizicola problem.(提出了一种新颖的方法,即利用表达杀虫蛋白的转基因水稻植株,作为解决Sogatodes orizicola问题的潜在方案。)
9. The economic losses caused by Sogatodes orizicola infestation and control measures are estimated to be in the billions of dollars annually in Asia, making it a major concern for food security.(Sogatodes orizicola的肆虐和控制措施导致的经济损失每年在亚洲估计达数十亿美元,这使其成为粮食安全的重大问题。)