'Zhang Yimou'是中国的词语,翻译为"张艺谋"。张艺谋是中国著名的电影导演、编剧和制片人,曾获得过奥斯卡最佳外语片等多个重要奖项,被视为中国电影的代表人物之一。
1. 张艺谋的电影《红高粱》获得了柏林电影节金熊奖。(Chinese: Zhang Yimou de dianying "Hong gaoliang" huode le Baolin dianyingjie jin xiong jiang. English: Zhang Yimou's film "Red Sorghum" won the Golden Bear Award at the Berlin Film Festival.)
2. 张艺谋的电影《一个都不能少》被评为上世纪百部最佳华语电影之一。(Chinese: Zhang Yimou de dianying "Yige dou bu neng shao" bei ping wei shang shiji bai bu zui jia huayu dianying zhi yi. English: Zhang Yimou's film "Not One Less" was rated as one of the hundred best Chinese-language films of the last century.)
3. 张艺谋是中国电影史上最具代表性的导演之一。(Chinese: Zhang Yimou shi Zhongguo dianying shi shang zui ju daibiaoxing de daoyan zhi yi. English: Zhang Yimou is one of the most representative directors in the history of Chinese cinema.)
4. 张艺谋的电影始终关注中国人民的命运和生活。(Chinese: Zhang Yimou de dianying shizhong guanzhu Zhongguo renmin de mingyun he shenghuo. English: Zhang Yimou's films always focus on the fate and life of the Chinese people.)
5. 张艺谋曾受邀为奥运会开幕式创作视觉效果。(Chinese: Zhang Yimou ceng shouyao wei Aoyunhui kaimushi chuangzuo shijue xiaoguo. English: Zhang Yimou was invited to create visual effects for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.)
6. 电影《英雄》是张艺谋的代表作之一。(Chinese: Dianying "Yingxiong" shi Zhang Yimou de daibiaozuo zhi yi. English: The film "Hero" is one of Zhang Yimou's masterpieces.)
7. 张艺谋在电影创作中大量使用了中国传统文化元素。(Chinese: Zhang Yimou zai dianying chuangzuo zhong dalang shiyong le Zhongguo chuantong wenhua yuan su. English: Zhang Yimou extensively used traditional Chinese cultural elements in his film creations.)
8. 张艺谋的电影对中国电影的发展做出了重要贡献。(Chinese: Zhang Yimou de dianying dui Zhongguo dianying de fazhan zuochu le zhongyao gongxian. English: Zhang Yimou's films have made important contributions to the development of Chinese cinema.)
9. 张艺谋的电影中经常出现中国美术和摄影的精品之作。(Chinese: Zhang Yimou de dianying zhong jingchang chuxian Zhongguo meishu he sheying de jingpin zhi zuo. English: Zhang Yimou's films often feature the masterpieces of Chinese art and photography.)