Pentaceratops是什么意思 Pentaceratops的读音、翻译、用法

Pentaceratops是什么意思 Pentaceratops的读音、翻译、用法



1. The skeleton of Pentaceratops is on display at the museum. (五角恐龙的骨架在博物馆展出。)

2. Paleontologists discovered the fossils of Pentaceratops in the late 20th century. (古生物学家在20世纪末发现了五角恐龙的化石。)

3. Pentaceratops lived during the Late Cretaceous period. (五角恐龙生活在晚白垩世时期。)

4. The size of Pentaceratops was similar to that of Triceratops. (五角恐龙的体型和三角龙类似。)

5. The horns on the head of Pentaceratops were used for defense and courtship. (五角恐龙头部的角状突起用于防御和求偶。)

6. The name Pentaceratops means "five-horned face." (五角恐龙的名字意为“五角脸”。)

7. The discovery of Pentaceratops helped scientists understand more about the evolution of horned dinosaurs. (五角恐龙的发现帮助科学家了解更多有关角龙类恐龙进化的知识。)

8. Pentaceratops is one of the most well-known dinosaur species from North America. (五角恐龙是北美洲最著名的恐龙物种之一。)

9. The fossils of Pentaceratops have been found in several states in the United States, including New Mexico, Utah, and South Dakota. (五角恐龙的化石在美国多个州被发现,包括新墨西哥州、犹他州和南达科他州。)

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