1. Ligustrum lucidum是一种常见的园林植物,可以用来做树篱和盆栽。(中文翻译:Ligustrum lucidum is a common garden plant that can be used for hedges and potted plants.)
2. 我家后院的女贞枝繁叶茂,非常美丽。(中文翻译:The privet in my backyard is lush and beautiful.)
3. 在民间传统医学中,女贞被广泛用于治疗消化问题。(中文翻译:Privet is widely used in traditional folk medicine to treat digestive problems.)
4. 这篇文章介绍了女贞的药用价值和功效。(中文翻译:This article introduces the medicinal value and efficacy of privet.)
5. Ligustrum sinense是一种常见的中国灌木,常用于园林景观设计。(中文翻译:Ligustrum sinense is a common Chinese shrub that is often used in landscape design.)
6. 这些女贞树是园林中最受欢迎的树种之一,因为它们易于种植并且美观。(中文翻译:These privet trees are among the most popular tree species in gardens because they are easy to plant and beautiful.)
7. 我喜欢把女贞果实泡水喝,这种饮料有助于清热解毒。(中文翻译:I like to soak privet fruit in water and drink it. This beverage helps to clear heat and detoxify.)
8. 女贞的果实含有多种有益成分,可以促进人体健康。(中文翻译:Privet fruit contains many beneficial ingredients that can promote human health.)
9. Ligustrum obtusifolium是一种受欢迎的绿色植物,可以用于园林修建和居室装饰。(中文翻译:Ligustrum obtusifolium is a popular green plant that can be used for garden landscaping and indoor decoration.)