1. Triticosecale作为饲料有着很高的营养价值。
Triticosecale is highly nutritious as animal feed.
2. Triticosecale种植面积在这个区域内越来越大。
The cultivation area of Triticosecale is increasing in this region.
3. Triticosecale的产量比普通的黑麦高很多。
Triticosecale has a much higher yield than regular rye.
4. 这个农场在使用Triticosecale之后,收成比以前提高了很多。
This farm has significantly increased its harvest after using Triticosecale.
5. Triticosecale可以用来制作啤酒原料。
Triticosecale can be used as a brewing material.
6. Triticosecale的种植技术需要特别注意,以获得高产量和品质。
Special attention is required in the cultivation techniques of Triticosecale to achieve high yield and quality.
7. Triticosecale的价格比其他饲料更昂贵。
Triticosecale is more expensive than other animal feeds.
8. Triticosecale在我国的种植还不是很普及。
The cultivation of Triticosecale is not very common in our country.
9. 这家啤酒厂使用Triticosecale来酿造特别口感的啤酒。
This brewery uses Triticosecale to brew beer with a special taste.