apatosaurus是什么意思 apatosaurus的读音、翻译、用法

apatosaurus是什么意思 apatosaurus的读音、翻译、用法



1. The apatosaurus was one of the largest animals to ever walk on Earth.(雷龙是历史上最大的动物之一。)

2. Scientists believe that the apatosaurus had a long neck to reach high branches on trees.(科学家认为雷龙拥有长脖子,以便够到树上的高枝。)

3. The apatosaurus lived during the late Jurassic period.(雷龙生活在晚侏罗世期间。)

4. Some fossils of apatosaurs have been found in Colorado.(一些雷龙化石被发现在科罗拉多州。)

5. The apatosaurus was related to other long-necked dinosaurs, such as the brachiosaurus.(雷龙和其他长脖子恐龙,如腕龙,有亲缘关系。)

6. The apatosaurus' tail was so long that it likely weighed more than the rest of its body.(雷龙的尾巴太长了,可能比其余的身体部分还要重。)

7. A fully grown apatosaurus could weigh up to 75 tons.(一只成年雷龙可能会有75吨的体重。)

8. Some people confuse the apatosaurus with the diplodocus, which was a similar dinosaur with a longer tail.(有些人混淆了雷龙和腕龙,后者是一种有更长尾巴的类似恐龙。)

9. The apatosaurus' teeth were flat and leaf-shaped, indicating that it ate mostly vegetation.(雷龙的牙齿是扁平和叶形的,表明它主要以植物为食。)

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