stimulus是什么意思 stimulus的读音、翻译、用法

stimulus是什么意思 stimulus的读音、翻译、用法



1. The sound of the bell is a stimulus that signals the beginning and end of class.(铃声作为刺激,指示课程的开始和结束。)

2. The bright colors of the flowers are a visual stimulus that attracts bees. (花卉的鲜艳颜色是吸引蜜蜂的视觉刺激。)

3. The drug acts as a stimulus for the nervous system, increasing alertness and decreasing fatigue.(这种药物作为刺激物作用于神经系统,增加警觉性,减少疲劳感。)

4. The sudden loud noise was a stimulus that triggered the startle reflex.(突然的响声是引发惊恐反应的刺激。)

5. The government provided a stimulus package to boost the economy during the recession.(政府提供了一揽子的刺激措施来刺激衰退的经济。)

6. The new tax policy was designed as a stimulus to encourage investment in renewable energy.(新的税收政策旨在作为刺激物促进对可再生能源的投资。)

7. The teacher used positive feedback as a stimulus to reinforce good behavior in the classroom.(老师使用积极的反馈作为刺激来强化课堂上的好行为。)

8. The athlete received an electric shock as a stimulus to activate the muscles during rehabilitation.(运动员在恢复过程中接受电击作为刺激来激活肌肉。)

9. The scientist conducted experiments to investigate the effects of different stimuli on the brain.(科学家进行实验来研究不同刺激对大脑的影响。)

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