Oriolidae是什么意思 Oriolidae的读音、翻译、用法

Oriolidae是什么意思 Oriolidae的读音、翻译、用法




1. The Oriolidae family includes various species of orioles, figbirds and whistlers.(黄鹂科包括了不同种类的黄鹂、无花果鸟和哨声鸟。)

2. The Crested Oriole is a member of the Oriolidae family.(冠鹂是黄鹂科的一种。)

3. The Oriolidae birds are known for their vibrant plumage and distinctive songs.(黄鹂科鸟类以其鲜艳的羽毛和独特的歌声而闻名。)

4. The Bananaquit is a small bird from the Oriolidae family.(蜜蜂鸟是黄鹂科的一种小鸟。)

5. The Oriolidae family is found across the world, from Asia to Africa and the Americas.(黄鹂科分布在全球各地,从亚洲到非洲和美洲。)

6. The Black-naped Oriole is one of the most common species in the Oriolidae family.(黑枕黄鹂是黄鹂科中最常见的物种之一。)

7. The Oriolidae birds are omnivorous, feeding on insects, fruits and nectar.(黄鹂科鸟类是杂食性的,以昆虫、水果和花蜜为食。)

8. The Golden Oriole is a strikingly beautiful bird in the Oriolidae family.(金鹂是黄鹂科中一种极为美丽的鸟类。)

9. Some species in the Oriolidae family, such as the Black-hooded Oriole, are known for their mimicry skills.(一些黄鹂科鸟类,如黑头黄鹂,以模仿技巧而闻名。)

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