1. Avipoxvirus in birds can cause significant economic losses to the poultry industry. (禽痘病毒感染鸟类可能会给家禽行业带来重大的经济损失。)
2. The mortality rate of birds infected with avipoxvirus is relatively high. (感染禽痘病毒的鸟类死亡率相对较高。)
3. Avipoxvirus can cause skin lesions, which may lead to secondary bacterial infections. (禽痘病毒可以引起皮肤病变,可能导致继发性细菌感染。)
4. Avipoxvirus is highly contagious and can easily spread among birds in close proximity. (禽痘病毒具有高度传染性,容易在密集饲养的鸟类之间传播。)
5. Vaccination is an effective way to prevent avipoxvirus infection in poultry. (疫苗接种是预防家禽感染禽痘病毒的有效方法。)
6. The incidence of avipoxvirus infection in free-range birds is lower than that in intensively farmed birds. (散养鸟类感染禽痘病毒的发生率低于密集饲养的鸟类。)
7. Avipoxvirus can survive for a long time in the environment and can infect birds even after the infected birds have been removed. (禽痘病毒可以在环境中存活很长时间,在感染的鸟类被清除之后仍可以感染鸟类。)
8. Control measures for avipoxvirus infection include quarantine, disinfection, and culling of infected birds. (禽痘病毒感染的控制措施包括隔离、消毒和清除感染的鸟类。)
9. Avipoxvirus infection can cause serious economic losses and should be taken seriously in poultry production. (禽痘病毒感染可能导致严重的经济损失,在家禽生产中应得到重视。)