herm是什么意思 herm的读音、翻译、用法

herm是什么意思 herm的读音、翻译、用法



1. 希腊人在公路旁竖立了许多herm,以指引路人的方向。- The Greeks erected many herms along the road to guide travelers.

2. 古代希腊人会将herm放置在界限线上,以表示土地的归属。- The ancient Greeks placed herms on boundary lines to signify land ownership.

3. 在希腊神话中,赫耳墨斯的雕像常常被做成类似于herm的形状。- In Greek mythology, statues of Hermes were often made in the shape of herms.

4. 历史学家们在发掘古希腊遗址时,常常会寻找残留下来的herm。- Historians often search for remaining herms when excavating ancient Greek sites.

5. 这个展览上展示了许多希腊古代艺术品,其中包括一些herm的复制品。- This exhibit showcased many ancient Greek artifacts, including replicas of herms.

6. 在某些欧洲城市中,还可以看到一些类似于herm的路标或路灯。- In certain European cities, there are still some herm-like signs or street lamps.

7. 在古代希腊,herm也经常被用作墓碑或纪念碑。- In ancient Greece, herms were often used as tombstones or memorials.

8. 这幅画中的人物旁边是一座herm,为整幅画增添了一分古典的氛围。- The figure in the painting is accompanied by a herm, which adds a classical ambiance to the piece.

9. 有些现代艺术家会将herm作为他们作品的主题,以追溯古代文化。- Some contemporary artists use herms as the subject of their works to evoke ancient culture.

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