1. The car has a gremlin that causes the engine to occasionally stall.(这辆车有一个小毛病,会导致发动机偶尔熄火。)
2. The computer program had a gremlin that caused it to crash every time a certain button was pressed.(这个电脑程序有一个小错误,每次按下某个按钮就会崩溃。)
3. The washing machine has a gremlin that sometimes prevents it from spinning properly.(这台洗衣机有一个小故障,有时会导致它无法正常旋转。)
4. The plane had a gremlin that caused the radio to stop working.(这架飞机有一个小毛病,导致无线电停止工作。)
5. The printer has a gremlin that makes it print out blank pages every now and then.(这台打印机有一个小毛病,偶尔会打印出空白页。)
6. The phone has a gremlin that causes it to randomly shut off.(这部手机有一个小故障,会随机关机。)
7. The camera has a gremlin that sometimes makes the pictures come out blurry.(这台相机有一个小毛病,有时会导致照片模糊不清。)
8. The video game has a gremlin that causes it to freeze up during certain levels.(这个视频游戏有一个小错误,会导致在某些关卡卡住。)
9. The coffee maker has a gremlin that makes it occasionally leak water.(这台咖啡机有一个小毛病,会偶尔漏水。)