beagle是什么意思 beagle的读音、翻译、用法

beagle是什么意思 beagle的读音、翻译、用法



1. My beagle always greets me with a wagging tail when I come home. (我的比格犬总是在我回家时摇着尾巴迎接我。)

2. The beagle's howl can be heard from miles away. (比格犬的嗥叫声可以听到好几英里远。)

3. Beagles are very social dogs and love to play with other dogs. (比格犬是非常社交的狗,喜欢和其他狗狗玩耍。)

4. Some beagles are trained to detect drugs and explosives. (一些比格犬被训练用来探测毒品和爆炸物。)

5. The beagle's sense of smell is 40 times stronger than a human's. (比格犬的嗅觉比人类敏锐40倍。)

6. My beagle has a habit of stealing food off the kitchen counter. (我的比格犬有一个偷偷从厨房柜台上偷食物的习惯。)

7. Beagles were bred for hunting small game like rabbits and hares. (比格犬被繁殖用来狩猎像兔子和野兔这样的小动物。)

8. The beagle is a popular choice for families with children because of its friendly and gentle nature. (由于其友好和温和的性格,比格犬是家庭里有孩子的人们的常见选择。)

9. Beagles have a strong instinct to follow their nose, which can sometimes lead them into trouble. (比格犬有强烈的跟踪本能,有时会让它们陷入麻烦。)

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