1. Physeter macrocephalus is the largest toothed whale in the world. (Physeter macrocephalus是世界上最大的有齿鲸。)
2. The sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) is known for its unique diving abilities. (抹香鲸以独特的潜水能力著称。)
3. The physeterids are a family of toothed whales that includes the sperm whale. (抹香鲸科是包括抹香鲸在内的一类有齿鲸。)
4. The physeteroids are characterized by their elongated snouts and their ability to dive to great depths. (抹香鲸总科以其延长的吻部和惊人的潜水深度而著名。)
5. The small pygmy sperm whale (Physeter catodon) is often mistaken for a juvenile sperm whale. (小抹香鲸经常被误认为是幼年抹香鲸。)
6. The physeteroidea have a distinctive spermaceti organ in their heads. (抹香鲸总科在其头部拥有独特的精气酒器官。)
7. The physeterula are a genus of dwarf sperm whales found in warm temperate and tropical waters. (小抹香鲸属是一类生活在温暖温带和热带水域的侏儒抹香鲸。)
8. The physeterids have a reputation for being aggressive towards humans. (抹香鲸科以对人类具有攻击性而闻名。)
9. The genus Physeter includes only one extant species – the sperm whale. (抹香鲸属仅包括一个现存种 – 抹香鲸。)