1. The Testudinidae family has been around for over 200 million years.(陆龟科已存在超过2亿年。)
2. The scientists conducted a study on the habitat preferences of Testudinidae.(科学家们对陆龟科的栖息地偏好进行了研究。)
3. The lifespan of Testudinidae varies depending on the species.(陆龟科的寿命因物种而异。)
4. The Testudinidae species found in North America are adapted to a wide range of temperatures.(北美洲的陆龟科物种适应了广泛的温度范围。)
5. The carapace of the Testudinidae is made of a bony substance called keratin.(陆龟科的甲壳由一种叫做角质的骨质物质组成。)
6. Many species of Testudinidae are endangered due to habitat loss and poaching.(由于栖息地丧失和盗猎,许多陆龟科物种濒临灭绝。)
7. The Testudinidae have a unique ability to retract their heads and limbs inside their shells for protection.(陆龟科有一种独特的能力,可以将头和四肢缩进壳内保护自己。)
8. The Galapagos tortoise, a species of Testudinidae, can live up to 150 years.(加拉帕戈斯象龟,一种陆龟科物种,可以活xx年。)
9. Testudinidae eggs are incubated in the soil, and hatchlings emerge after a few months.(陆龟科的蛋在土壤中孵化,几个月后幼龟会孵化出来。)