“Schistosoma japonicum”这个词语源自拉丁语,意为“日本血吸虫”。这是一种可以寄生在人体血管系统中的寄生虫,可引起血吸虫病。该病在东南亚地区比较常见。
以下是9个含有“Schistosoma japonicum”的例句:
1. The prevalence and intensity of Schistosoma japonicum infection in animals and humans is influenced by a range of environmental factors.(Schistosoma japonicum在动物和人类中的感染率和强度受到各种环境因素的影响。)
2. Schistosoma japonicum is considered one of the most important zoonotic diseases in China.(Schistosoma japonicum被认为是中国最重要的人畜共患病之一。)
3. Control of Schistosoma japonicum is an important public health goal in many Asian countries.(控制Schistosoma japonicum在许多亚洲国家是一个重要的公共卫生目标。)
4. The life cycle of Schistosoma japonicum involves a complex sequence of developmental stages.(Schistosoma japonicum的生命周期涉及一系列复杂的发育阶段。)
5. The discovery of Schistosoma japonicum in Japan in the early 20th century led to advances in our understanding of the parasite and its life cycle.(20世纪初在日本发现Schistosoma japonicum,推动了我们对寄生虫及其生命周期的理解。)
6. The diagnosis of Schistosoma japonicum infection is typically made by detecting eggs in stool or urine samples.(通常通过在粪便或尿液样本中检测虫卵来诊断Schistosoma japonicum感染。)
7. Treatment of Schistosoma japonicum infection usually involves use of the drug praziquantel.(治疗Schistosoma japonicum感染通常需要使用药物普鲁巴金。)
8. Schistosoma japonicum is a hermaphroditic parasitic flatworm that resides in the blood vessels of its host.(Schistosoma japonicum是一种雌雄同体的寄生性扁虫,寄生在宿主的血管中。)
9. The economic impact of Schistosoma japonicum infection is significant, due to lost productivity and health care costs.(Schistosoma japonicum感染的经济影响是显著的,因为失去的生产力和医疗费用。)