Cangzhou是什么意思 Cangzhou的读音、翻译、用法

Cangzhou是什么意思 Cangzhou的读音、翻译、用法



1. 沧州位于华北平原东部,是一个历史悠久的城市。(汉语)

2. Cangzhou is a city with a long history located in the eastern part of the North China Plain. (英语)

3. 沧州是中国北方重要的海港城市之一。(汉语)

4. Cangzhou is one of the important seaport cities in northern China. (英语)

5. 沧州被誉为“中国南北文化交汇地”。(汉语)

6. Cangzhou is known as the "cultural melting pot of North and South China". (英语)

7. 沧州有着丰富的自然资源和独特的地理环境。(汉语)

8. Cangzhou has abundant natural resources and unique geographical environment. (英语)

9. 沧州市是河北省的一个重要经济中心。(汉语)

10. The city of Cangzhou is an important economic center in Hebei Province. (英语)

11. 中国京杭大运河从沧州经过,使其成为了一个重要的交通枢纽。(汉语)

12. The Grand Canal of China passes through Cangzhou, making it an important transportation hub. (英语)

13. 沧州以其美丽的自然景观、丰富的历史文化和独特的民俗风情吸引了众多游客。(汉语)

14. Cangzhou attracts many tourists with its beautiful natural scenery, rich historical culture and unique folk customs. (英语)

15. 沧州的经济发展取得了长足的进步,已成为全国重要的制造业基地之一。(汉语)

16. The economic development of Cangzhou has made great progress, making it one of the important manufacturing bases in China. (英语)

17. 沧州的工业化水平不断提高,成为了河北省的重要工业基地之一。(汉语)

18. The industrialization level of Cangzhou is continuously improving, making it one of the important industrial bases in Hebei Province. (英语)

19. 沧州是我国北方地区重要的物资集散中心。(汉语)

20. Cangzhou is an important distribution center for goods in northern China. (英语)

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