Leto是什么意思 Leto的读音、翻译、用法

Leto是什么意思 Leto的读音、翻译、用法




1. I love swimming in the ocean during leto. (我喜欢在夏季在海里游泳。)

2. Leto is the perfect time for outdoor activities. (夏季是户外活动的最佳时间。)

3. The temperature during leto can be very high. (夏季的气温可能会很高。)

4. Leto is the season of sunshine and happiness. (夏季是阳光和幸福的季节。)

5. We usually take a vacation during leto. (我们通常在夏季度假。)

6. Leto is the time when fruits and vegetables are in season. (夏季是水果和蔬菜丰收的时间。)

7. Leto is a popular time for outdoor festivals and concerts. (夏季是户外节日和音乐会的热门时段。)

8. I love wearing light and breezy clothes during leto. (我喜欢在夏季穿轻薄透气的衣服。)

9. Leto nights are perfect for stargazing. (夏季的夜晚非常适合观看星空。)

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