1. He raised his targe to block the attack. (他举起他的盾牌挡住了进攻。)
2. The warrior carried a targe and a broadsword. (这位战士携带着一个盾牌和一把宽刃剑。)
3. The targe was carved with intricate designs. (盾牌上雕刻了复杂的图案。)
4. The young man trained with the targe every day. (这位年轻人每天都在练习使用盾牌。)
5. The targe was passed down through generations of the family. (这个盾牌被世世代代传承下来。)
6. The targe was a crucial part of the highland warrior's equipment. (盾牌是高地战士装备中不可或缺的一部分。)
7. The enemy's arrows bounced harmlessly off the targe. (敌人的箭矢在盾牌上无害地弹开。)
8. The targe was often adorned with feathers and tassels. (盾牌通常用羽毛和流苏装饰。)
9. He shielded himself with the targe and charged into battle. (他用盾牌保护自己,向战场冲锋。)