condominium是什么意思 condominium的读音、翻译、用法

condominium是什么意思 condominium的读音、翻译、用法



1. The majority of people in the city live in condominiums. (大部分人在城市里住在公寓里。)

2. The condominium complex has a beautiful swimming pool. (这个公寓楼有一个漂亮的游泳池。)

3. The new condominiums are being built near the beach. (新公寓正在海滩附近建造。)

4. The condominium association has strict rules about noise levels. (公寓业主协会对噪音水平有严格的规定。)

5. The residents of the condominium have access to a fitness center. (公寓的居民可以使用健身中心。)

6. The condominium fees include maintenance of the building's exterior. (公寓管理费包括楼房外墙的维护。)

7. The condominium board meets once a month to discuss issues. (公寓董事会每月开会讨论问题。)

8. The condominiums have a great view of the city skyline. (公寓楼可以俯瞰城市的天际线。)

9. The condominium complex has a security gate at the entrance. (公寓楼入口处有一个安全门。)

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