bromate是什么意思 bromate的读音、翻译、用法

bromate是什么意思 bromate的读音、翻译、用法



1. Sodium bromate is a strong oxidizing agent used in the manufacture of dyes and pharmaceuticals.(溴酸钠是一种强氧化剂,用于染料和药品的制造。)

2. The use of bromate in bread-making has been banned in many countries due to health concerns.(由于健康问题,许多国家已禁止在面包制作中使用溴酸盐。)

3. Bromate levels in drinking water must be kept below certain limits to ensure safe consumption.(为确保安全饮用,饮用水中的溴酸盐含量必须保持在一定限制范围内。)

4. Potassium bromate is sometimes added to hair dyes to help lighten hair color.(有时会向染发剂中添加溴酸钾,以帮助淡化头发颜色。)

5. Bromate can be removed from water by using activated carbon or reverse osmosis filtration.(可以通过使用活性炭或反渗透过滤去除水中的溴酸盐。)

6. A study has shown that bromate can cause DNA damage and increase the risk of cancer.(一项研究表明,溴酸盐会导致DNA损伤并增加患癌症的风险。)

7. The presence of bromate in bottled water has raised concerns among consumers.(瓶装水中溴酸盐的存在引起了消费者的担忧。)

8. Bromate is classified as a possible human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.(溴酸盐被国际癌症研究机构归类为可能的人类致癌物质。)

9. The European Union has established strict regulations on the use of bromate in food products.(欧盟在食品中使用溴酸盐方面制定了严格的法规。)

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