'HMS Hood'是英语,可翻译为“汉德号战列舰”,是一艘英国皇家海军的战列舰,于xx年开始建造,xx年在与德国战舰“俾斯麦”交战中遭受猛烈摧毁,成为二战中英国海军的最大损失之一。
以下是9个含有'HMS Hood'的英语例句及其中文翻译:
1. The HMS Hood was the pride of the British navy before being sunk by the German battleship Bismarck in 1941.(汉德号战列舰在被德国战舰俾斯麦击沉前是英国海军的骄傲。)
2. The wreck of the HMS Hood was discovered in the 21st century by a team of deep-sea explorers.(21世纪,一支深海探险队发现了汉德号战列舰的残骸。)
3. The HMS Hood's loss was a devastating blow to the morale of the British navy during World War II.(汉德号战列舰的损失对二战期间英国海军的士气是一个毁灭性的打击。)
4. The sinking of the HMS Hood triggered a massive search and destroy mission by the British navy to take down the Bismarck.(汉德号战列舰的沉没引发了英国海军的大规模搜索和摧毁行动,以尝试击败俾斯麦。)
5. The HMS Hood was the largest warship in the world when it was first launched in 1918.(汉德号战列舰在xx年首次下水时是世界上最大的战舰。)
6. The HMS Hood was named after Admiral Samuel Hood, a British naval hero who fought in the American Revolutionary War.(汉德号战列舰是以萨缪尔·伯特·胡德海军上将的名字命名的,他是一位曾在美国独立战争中奋斗的英国海军英雄。)
7. The HMS Hood's sinking was witnessed by several survivors who were rescued by British ships after the battle.(汉德号战列舰的沉没被几个在战斗后由英国船只救出的幸存者目睹了。)
8. The sinking of the HMS Hood was a turning point in the Battle of the Denmark Strait, and led to the eventual defeat of the Bismarck.(汉德号战列舰的沉没是丹麦海峡战役的转折点,导致俾斯麦的最终失败。)
9. The HMS Hood's wreckage is now considered a war grave and protected from unauthorized diving or disturbance.(汉德号战列舰的残骸现在被视为战争墓地,受到未经授权的潜水或干扰的保护。)