RDA是什么意思 RDA的读音、翻译、用法

RDA是什么意思 RDA的读音、翻译、用法

'RDA'是英文缩写,全称为'Resource Description and Access',中文翻译为“资源描述与访问”。它是一种元数据标准,用于描述各种类型的资源,包括图书、音像制品、数字资源等等。RDA最初是由美国、英国、澳大利亚、加拿大和德国等国家的图书馆专家共同制定的,旨在改进传统的AACR2标准,并为数字时代提供更加适宜的资源描述方法。


1. The library cataloging team is currently upgrading their cataloging system to comply with RDA standards.(图书馆编目团队正在升级其编目系统,以符合RDA标准。)

2. The introduction of RDA has greatly improved the consistency and accuracy of resource description in libraries.(RDA的引入极大地提高了图书馆资源描述的一致性和准确性。)

3. The RDA standard provides guidelines for the creation of bibliographic records for all types of resources.(RDA标准为各种资源的书目记录的创建提供指南。)

4. The RDA Toolkit is an online resource that provides access to the RDA standard and related documentation.(RDA工具包是一个在线资源,提供RDA标准和相关文件的访问。)

5. RDA allows for the description of resources in a more detailed and systematic way than previous standards.(与以前的标准相比,RDA允许以更详细、更系统的方式描述资源。)

6. Many libraries around the world have adopted RDA as their standard for resource description.(世界各地许多图书馆已经采用了RDA作为其资源描述的标准。)

7. The RDA standard is constantly evolving to keep up with changes in technology and the needs of library users.(RDA标准不断发展,以跟上技术变化和图书馆用户的需求。)

8. The implementation of RDA has required libraries to retrain their cataloging staff to make sure they are familiar with the new standard.(实施RDA需要图书馆重新培训编目人员,以确保他们熟悉新的标准。)

9. RDA is an important component of the move towards a more unified and global approach to resource description.(RDA是向更一致、更全球化的资源描述方法转变的重要组成部分。)

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