LORAN是什么意思 LORAN的读音、翻译、用法

LORAN是什么意思 LORAN的读音、翻译、用法

LORAN这个词语来源于英文Long Range Navigation,意为长距离导航,是一种在海洋上进行航行定位的技术,通过对发射信号的时间差进行计算来确定位置。它的常见翻译有“长距离导航系统”、“低频导航系统”等。在现代导航技术中,LORAN已经被GPS等新技术所取代,但其仍然在某些特殊领域得到应用。


1. The ship's captain used LORAN to navigate through the fog.(船长用LORAN系统在雾中导航。)

2. LORAN receivers are still used by some fishermen for navigation.(一些渔民仍然使用LORAN接收器进行导航。)

3. The LORAN-C system was widely used by mariners for many years.(LORAN-C系统曾经被航海家广泛使用多年。)

4. The military used LORAN for navigation during World War II.(军方在二战期间使用LORAN系统进行导航。)

5. The LORAN technology was first developed in the United States in the 1940s.(LORAN技术最初在xx年代由美国开发。)

6. The LORAN station emits signals that can be received by ships in its range.(LORAN站发射信号,可以被其范围内的船只接收。)

7. LORAN can be used as a backup navigation system for airplanes.(LORAN系统可以作为飞机的备用导航系统。)

8. LORAN technology was largely replaced by GPS in the 1990s.(LORAN技术在xx年代大部分被GPS取代。)

9. The LORAN system has been used for search and rescue operations in remote areas.(LORAN系统已经被用于偏远地区的搜索和营救行动。)

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