anaplasma是什么意思 anaplasma的读音、翻译、用法

anaplasma是什么意思 anaplasma的读音、翻译、用法



1. Anaplasma phagocytophilum is the bacterium that causes human granulocytic anaplasmosis.(Anaplasma phagocytophilum是导致人类粒细胞型厌氧支原体病的细菌。)

2. Anaplasma marginale is a tick-borne pathogen that causes bovine anaplasmosis.(Anaplasma marginale是一种通过蜱传播的病原体,可导致牛厌氧支原体病。)

3. The veterinarian tested the dog for anaplasma and other tick-borne diseases.(兽医检测了狗的厌氧支原体和其他蜱传播的疾病。)

4. The prevalence of anaplasma infection is high in certain areas where ticks are common.(在蜱常见的某些地区,厌氧支原体感染的患病率很高。)

5. Anaplasmosis is often diagnosed through blood tests that detect the bacteria.(厌氧支原体病通常通过检测细菌的血液测试进行诊断。)

6. Anaplasma infections can be treated with antibiotics if caught early.(如果早期发现,厌氧支原体感染可以用抗生素治疗。)

7. The symptoms of anaplasma in cattle include fever, lethargy, and decreased appetite.(牛厌氧支原体病的症状包括发热、倦怠和食欲减退。)

8. Anaplasma platys is a tick-borne pathogen that can cause canine cyclic thrombocytopenia.(Anaplasma platys是一种通过蜱传播的病原体,可引起犬循环性血小板减少症。)

9. The risk of anaplasma infection can be reduced by taking measures to prevent tick bites.(采取措施预防蜱叮咬,可以降低厌氧支原体感染的风险。)

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