PMB是什么意思 PMB的读音、翻译、用法

PMB是什么意思 PMB的读音、翻译、用法

PMB是尼日利亚的词语,全称为President Muhammadu Buhari。PMB 是尼日利亚现任总统穆罕默杜·布哈里(Muhammadu Buhari)名字缩写。这个缩写在社交媒体和新闻报道中经常使用。


1. PMB再次入选《时代》杂志百大影响力人物名单。

PMB was once again named on Time Magazine's list of the 100 most influential people.

2. PMB在接受采访时重申了他的反腐败承诺。

In an interview, PMB reaffirmed his commitment to fighting corruption.

3. PMB在UNGA上发表了一篇演讲,强调了气候变化的紧迫性。

PMB delivered a speech at UNGA, emphasizing the urgency of climate change.

4. PMB向全国人民发表了新年致辞,呼吁团结和和平。

In his New Year address to the nation, PMB called for unity and peace.

5. PMB与美国总统唐纳德·特朗普进行了电话交谈,讨论了双边关系和反恐合作。

PMB had a phone conversation with the US President Donald Trump, discussing bilateral relations and counter-terrorism cooperation.

6. PMB向尼日利亚军队发出了感谢,称赞他们在打击恐怖主义方面的努力。

PMB expressed gratitude to the Nigerian military, praising their efforts in combating terrorism.

7. PMB启动了一项针对贫困地区的教育计划,旨在提高年轻人的素质和就业机会。

PMB launched an education program for impoverished areas, aimed at improving the skills and job opportunities of young people.

8. PMB在一次演讲中警告说,政府将采取坚决措施打击贪污和腐败。

PMB warned in a speech that the government would take strong measures to combat corruption and graft.

9. PMB与中非共和国总统进行了会谈,讨论了双边合作和维和事务。

PMB had a meeting with the President of the Central African Republic, discussing bilateral cooperation and peacekeeping affairs.

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