1. 'Hippoglossoides'不是一个国家的语言,而是一个生物学上的属名,指的是鲽属(flatfish)中的一些鱼类。
2. 'Hippoglossoides'可以翻译为“马口鱼属”。
3. 这个词语通常用于生物学研究和分类中。
4. 这里提供9个含有'Hippoglossoides'的例句:
- The taxonomy of Hippoglossoides is still under debate.(马口鱼属的分类仍然存在争议。)
- The abundance of Hippoglossoides platessoides in the North Atlantic has declined in recent years.(近年来,北大西洋马口鱼的数量已经下降。)
- The morphology of Hippoglossoides from different regions shows slight differences.(来自不同地区的马口鱼形态略有不同。)
- Hippoglossoides elassodon is a rare and poorly known species of flatfish.(长牙马口鱼是一种罕见且知名度不高的鱼类。)
- The genetic diversity of Hippoglossoides in the Pacific is higher than that in the Atlantic.(太平洋马口鱼的遗传多样性高于大西洋马口鱼。)
- Hippoglossoides dubius is a newly discovered species of flatfish in the Bering Sea.(疑惑马口鱼是在白令海发现的一种新物种。)
- The commercial catch of Hippoglossoides in Alaska is strictly regulated by the government.(阿拉斯加州的马口鱼商业捕捞受到政府的严格管制。)
- The larval development of Hippoglossoides is different from that of other flatfish.(马口鱼的幼虫发育方式与其他鲽科鱼类不同。)
- The feeding habits of Hippoglossoides vary depending on their life stage and habitat.(马口鱼的饮食习惯根据其生命周期和栖息地而异。)