Sequoiadendron是什么意思 Sequoiadendron的读音、翻译、用法

Sequoiadendron是什么意思 Sequoiadendron的读音、翻译、用法




1. Sequoiadendron giganteum is also called giant sequoia or Sierra redwood. (Sequoiadendron giganteum也被称为巨红杉或内华达红杉。)

2. The Sequoiadendron trees can grow up to approximately 100 meters tall.(Sequoiadendron树可以长到约100米高。)

3. The leaves of the Sequoiadendron are needle-like and have a blue-grey color.(Sequoiadendron的叶子像针一样,呈蓝灰色。)

4. Sequoiadendron is a coniferous tree.(Sequoiadendron是一种针叶树。)

5. The cones of Sequoiadendron trees are up to 17 centimeters long.(Sequoiadendron树的球果长达17厘米。)

6. The bark of the Sequoiadendron is very thick and soft.(Sequoiadendron的树皮非常厚且柔软。)

7. The Sequoiadendron tree is a symbol of the American West.(Sequoiadendron树是美国西部的象征。)

8. Sequoiadendron trees are sometimes referred to as “living fossils”.(Sequoiadendron树有时被称为“活化石”。)

9. Due to their size and longevity, Sequoiadendron trees are often considered sacred by Native American cultures.(由于它们的大小和长寿,Sequoiadendron树常常被美洲原住民文化视为神圣。)

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