Mimosoideae是什么意思 Mimosoideae的读音、翻译、用法

Mimosoideae是什么意思 Mimosoideae的读音、翻译、用法



1. The flowers of Mimosoideae plants are typically showy and fragrant.(含羞草亚科植物的花朵通常很艳丽和芳香。)

2. The leaves of Mimosoideae plants can fold up when touched.(含羞草亚科植物的叶子会在被触碰时折叠。)

3. Some Mimosoideae plants are used for their medicinal properties.(有些含羞草亚科植物被用于医疗用途。)

4. The Mimosoideae family includes more than 3,000 species of plants.(含羞草亚科家族包括超过3,000种植物。)

5. The flowers of Mimosoideae plants can attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies.(含羞草亚科植物的花朵可以吸引蜜蜂和蝴蝶等昆虫授粉。)

6. Some Mimosoideae plants are used as ornamental plants in gardens and parks.(有些含羞草亚科植物被用作花园和公园的观赏植物。)

7. Mimosoideae plants are known for their nitrogen-fixing ability, which helps enrich the soil.(含羞草亚科植物以其固氮的能力而闻名,这有助于改善土壤。)

8. The seeds of Mimosoideae plants are often used for food or as a source of oil.(含羞草亚科植物的种子经常用作食物或油源。)

9. Some Mimosoideae plants have been used in traditional medicine for centuries.(有些含羞草亚科植物已被用于传统医学几个世纪了。)

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