Anchorage是什么意思 Anchorage的读音、翻译、用法

Anchorage是什么意思 Anchorage的读音、翻译、用法




1. The ship is currently at anchor in Anchorage, waiting for the weather to improve.(这艘船目前正停泊在安克雷奇,等待天气转好。)

2. The sailors sought anchorage in the nearby harbor during the storm.(在暴风雨期间,水手们寻找附近的港口停泊。)

3. The coastal town has a beautiful anchorage with crystal clear waters.(这个沿海小镇有一个美丽的锚地,水清澈透明。)

4. The fishing boat was damaged when it hit an underwater rock in the anchorage.(渔船在锚地撞上了一块水下岩石而受损。)

5. The city is a popular anchorage for luxury yachts during the summer months.(这个城市在夏季是豪华游艇的热门停泊地。)

6. The refugees found anchorage in a nearby shelter after fleeing their war-torn country.(难民逃离战乱的国家后,在附近的收容所找到了避难所。)

7. The captain dropped anchor in the anchorage to wait out the storm.(船长停泊在锚地中等待暴风雨结束。)

8. The small island has a natural anchorage for boats, making it a popular spot for fishing.(这个小岛有一个自然的船只停泊处,成为了钓鱼的热门场所。)

9. The sailors were happy to find a safe anchorage after a long and difficult journey.(水手们在漫长而艰难的旅程后,很高兴找到了一个安全的停泊处。)

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