migration是什么意思 migration的读音、翻译、用法

migration是什么意思 migration的读音、翻译、用法



1. The annual migration of wildebeest in Africa is one of the most impressive natural spectacles.(非洲角马的年度迁徙是最令人印象深刻的自然景观之一。)

2. Many birds migrate south for the winter.(许多鸟类会为了过冬而向南迁徙。)

3. The Great Migration saw millions of African Americans move from the South to the North of the United States.(伟大的迁徙见证了数百万非裔美国人从美国南部向北部移动。)

4. The company's migration to a new software system caused some disruptions.(公司向新软件系统的迁移引起了一些干扰。)

5. The monarch butterfly's migration from Canada to Mexico spans thousands of miles.(帝王蝶从加拿大到墨西哥的迁徙跨越数千英里。)

6. The economic migration of people from poorer countries to richer ones is a significant global trend.(从较贫穷的国家到富裕国家的经济性移民是一个重要的全球趋势。)

7. Historically, the migration of people from rural areas to cities has led to significant cultural changes.(历史上,从农村到城市的人口迁移导致了重大的文化变革。)

8. The migration patterns of whales have been studied extensively by scientists.(鲸鱼的迁徙模式已被科学家广泛研究。)

9. The government's new policy on migration has sparked a heated debate among the public.(政府的新移民政策在公众中引发了激烈的争论。)

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