'Hollywood Pictures'是英语词语,中文翻译为“好莱坞影业公司”。它是美国迪士尼公司旗下的一个电影制片厂,成立于xx年,主要从事电影的制作和发行。
以下是9个含有'Hollywood Pictures'的例句:
1. "Hollywood Pictures is known for producing high-quality films that are enjoyed by audiences around the world."(“好莱坞影业公司以制作高质量的电影而闻名,这些电影受到全球观众的喜爱。”)
2. "The latest blockbuster from Hollywood Pictures has been breaking box office records all over the world."(“好莱坞影业公司的最新大片一直在全球范围内打破票房记录。”)
3. "Many talented actors and directors got their start working for Hollywood Pictures."(“许多有才华的演员和导演在好莱坞影业公司工作开始他们的职业生涯。”)
4. "Hollywood Pictures is responsible for producing some of the most iconic films of our time."(“好莱坞影业公司负责制作了我们这个时代一些最具代表性的电影。”)
5. "The CEO of Hollywood Pictures announced that they will be investing more in independent and diverse filmmakers in the future."(“好莱坞影业公司的CEO宣布他们将在未来投入更多资金支持独立和多元化的电影制片人。”)
6. "Critics have praised Hollywood Pictures for their commitment to producing films with important social messages."(“评论家称赞好莱坞影业公司致力于制作具有重要社会信息的电影。”)
7. "The production budget for the latest Hollywood Pictures film was over $100 million."(“好莱坞影业公司最新电影的制作预算超过了1亿美元。”)
8. "Hollywood Pictures has been at the forefront of using new technology to enhance the movie-going experience."(“好莱坞影业公司一直站在使用新技术改善电影观影体验的前沿。”)
9. "Many film students dream of one day working for a prestigious company like Hollywood Pictures."(“许多电影学生梦想有一天能为像好莱坞影业公司这样的顶尖公司工作。”)