'Bastian Schweinsteiger'是德语,翻译为巴斯蒂安·施魏因斯泰格。这是德国足球运动员的名字,现已退役。他曾效力于拜仁慕尼黑和曼彻斯特联等队,并代表德国国家队出战多次重要赛事。
以下是9个含有'Bastian Schweinsteiger'的例句:
1. Bastian Schweinsteiger是一位伟大的足球运动员,他在德国和国际足坛上留下了深刻的印象。
(Bastian Schweinsteiger is a great football player who has made a profound impression in Germany and on the international football scene.)
2. 在拜仁慕尼黑的9个德甲冠军中,Bastian Schweinsteiger参与了7个。
(Of Bayern Munich's nine Bundesliga titles, Bastian Schweinsteiger was involved in seven.)
3. Bastian Schweinsteiger退役后,他成为了芝加哥火焰队的主教练。
(After retiring, Bastian Schweinsteiger became the head coach of the Chicago Fire.)
4. Bastian Schweinsteiger的技术和激情让他在场上成为了一名杰出的领袖。
(Bastian Schweinsteiger's skill and passion made him an outstanding leader on the field.)
5. 在xx年世界杯上,Bastian Schweinsteiger为德国国家队赢得了冠军。
(Bastian Schweinsteiger helped the German national team win the World Cup in 2014.)
6. 德国足球运动员Bastian Schweinsteiger在他的职业生涯中赢得了许多奖项。
(German footballer Bastian Schweinsteiger won many awards during his career.)
7. 曼彻斯特联的球迷感谢Bastian Schweinsteiger给球队带来的贡献。
(Manchester United fans thank Bastian Schweinsteiger for his contribution to the team.)
8. Bastian Schweinsteiger在比赛中的表现总是充满了能量和动力。
(Bastian Schweinsteiger's performance in games is always full of energy and drive.)
9. 德国足球传奇人物Bastian Schweinsteiger展示了他的卓越技能和领袖品质。
(German football legend Bastian Schweinsteiger demonstrated his exceptional skills and leadership qualities.)