Luol Deng是来自南苏丹的一个人名,中文翻译为“洛尔·邓”。
洛尔·邓(Luol Deng)是一位职业篮球员,曾效力于NBA的多支球队,包括芝加哥公牛和邓肯维尔热火等。他是南苏丹的国家队成员,也是非洲最成功的篮球运动员之一。
以下是9个含有“Luol Deng”的例句:
1. Luol Deng在xx年奥运会上代表英国队参赛,为球队贡献了许多进攻和防守上的表现。("Luol Deng represented the British team at the 2012 Olympics, contributing greatly to the team's offensive and defensive performances.")
2. 洛尔·邓是南苏丹最著名的人之一,他为该国的篮球事业做出了重要的贡献。("Luol Deng is one of the most famous people in South Sudan, and has made important contributions to the country's basketball cause.")
3. Luol Deng在NBA生涯中一直是一名出色的球员,他的出色表现在比赛中得到了认可。("Luol Deng has always been an outstanding player in his NBA career, and his excellent performance has been recognized in the game.")
4. Luol Deng在他的篮球生涯中获得了许多荣誉和奖项,包括两次NBA全明星。("Luol Deng has won many honors and awards in his basketball career, including two NBA All-Star selections.")
5. 洛尔·邓以他出色的跳投闻名,他的跳投在比赛中为球队贡献了许多得分。("Luol Deng is renowned for his excellent jump shot, which has contributed many points to the team in the game.")
6. Luol Deng是南苏丹文化的重要代表之一,他在国内外的活动中促进了南苏丹文化的传播。("Luol Deng is one of the important representatives of South Sudanese culture, and has promoted the dissemination of South Sudanese culture in domestic and foreign activities.")
7. 洛尔·邓在比赛中经常担任球队的领袖角色,他的领导能力和经验为球队带来了许多优势。("Luol Deng often plays a leadership role in the game, and his leadership and experience bring many advantages to the team.")
8. Luol Deng曾获得过许多与篮球相关的奖项,这充分证明了他在该领域的专业能力和实力。("Luol Deng has won many awards related to basketball, which fully proves his professional ability and strength in this field.")
9. 洛尔·邓出生于南苏丹,他一直是非洲篮球的杰出代表之一,为非洲人在国际舞台上赢得了许多荣誉。("Luol Deng was born in South Sudan and has always been one of the outstanding representatives of African basketball, winning many honors for Africans on the international stage.")