periphyton是什么意思 periphyton的读音、翻译、用法

periphyton是什么意思 periphyton的读音、翻译、用法



1. Periphyton has important ecological functions in the aquatic ecosystem. (附生藻在水生生态系统中有重要的生态功能。)

2. The growth of periphyton is affected by various environmental factors, such as light, nutrients and water temperature. (附生藻的生长受光照、营养和水温等多种环境因素的影响。)

3. Microbial diversity in periphyton is closely related to water quality. (附生藻中微生物多样性与水质密切相关。)

4. Periphyton plays an important role in the cycling of nutrients in aquatic ecosystems. (附生藻在水生生态系统中起着重要的营养循环作用。)

5. The biomass of periphyton can be used as a bioindicator of water quality. (附生藻的生物量可作为水质生物指示器。)

6. The colonization process of periphyton on the substrate is a complex ecological process. (附生藻在基质上的定殖过程是一个复杂的生态过程。)

7. Periphyton can change the habitat structure of aquatic organisms and affect their behavior. (附生藻可以改变水生生物的栖息地结构,影响它们的行为。)

8. The microcosm experiment showed that periphyton can reduce the growth of harmful algae. (微观实验表明,附生藻可以抑制有害藻类的生长。)

9. Periphyton has a wide range of applications in the fields of water quality monitoring, ecological restoration and aquatic product production. (附生藻在水质监测、生态修复和水产养殖等领域具有广泛的应用价值。)

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