RTC是英语缩写,全称为Real-Time Clock,即实时时钟。它通常指计算机或嵌入式系统中的实时时钟模块,用于维护系统时间、日期、闹钟等功能。
1. The RTC in my computer is not accurate anymore.我的电脑的实时时钟不太准了。
2. The RTC module is responsible for keeping track of the time in our embedded system.实时时钟模块负责在我们的嵌入式系统中跟踪时间。
3. The RTC circuit is essential for accurate timing in digital watches.实时时钟电路对于数字手表的准确定时是必不可少的。
4. The RTC chip is easy to interface with a microcontroller. 实时时钟芯片很容易与微控制器进行接口。
5. You can set up an RTC alarm to wake you up at a certain time.你可以设置实时时钟闹钟在特定时间叫醒你。
6. The RTC module also provides battery backup to maintain time in case of power failure.实时时钟模块还提供电池备份,在停电时维持时间。
7. Some RTCs have the ability to compensate for temperature variations. 一些实时时钟可以通过自动温度补偿来提高精度。
8. The RTC on this board is programmable via I2C interface.这个板子上的实时时钟可以通过I2C接口编程。
9. The RTC chip in this digital camera is used for timestamping photos. 这款数码相机中的实时时钟芯片用于为照片添加时间戳。