1. Kiruna is a mining town located in northern Sweden.(Kiruna是位于瑞典北部的一个矿业城市。)
2. The Kiruna mine produces high-quality iron ore.(Kiruna矿山生产高质量的铁矿石。)
3. The Kiruna Church is a famous landmark in the town.(Kiruna教堂是该城镇的著名地标。)
4. Kiruna is a popular destination for winter sports enthusiasts.(Kiruna是冬季运动爱好者的热门目的地。)
5. The Northern Lights can be seen from Kiruna in the winter months.(冬季月份可以从Kiruna看到北极光。)
6. Kiruna has a population of approximately 20,000 people.(Kiruna的人口约为20,000人。)
7. The Kiruna mine has been in operation since the late 1800s.(Kiruna矿山自19世纪末就开始运营。)
8. The Kiruna Snow Festival is a popular annual event in the town.(Kiruna雪节是该城镇的一项受欢迎的年度活动。)
9. Kiruna is located in the heart of Lapland, surrounded by stunning natural scenery.(Kiruna位于拉普兰省的中心,周围环绕着壮观的自然风景。)