brave是什么意思 brave的读音、翻译、用法

brave是什么意思 brave的读音、翻译、用法





1. She was brave enough to stand up to the bullies.(她足够勇敢地面对恶霸。)

2. The brave firefighters rescued the trapped people.(勇敢的消防员营救了被困人员。)

3. The soldiers showed great bravery in the face of danger.(士兵们在危险面前表现出了极大的勇气。)

4. He felt brave enough to confront his boss.(他感到勇敢到可以面对他的上司。)

5. She took a brave step and quit her job to start her own business.(她采取了勇敢的行动,辞掉了工作去创业。)

6. The little boy was so brave to jump off the diving board.(小男孩跳下跳板的时候非常勇敢。)

7. The movie tells the story of a brave princess who saves her kingdom from an evil sorcerer.(这部电影讲述了一个勇敢的公主从邪恶的巫师手里拯救她的王国的故事。)

8. The brave mountaineer climbed to the top of the highest peak in the world.(勇敢的登山者攀登到了世界最高峰的顶端。)

9. The young athlete showed great bravery in overcoming his injury and winning the championship.(年轻的运动员在克服伤病并赢得冠军时表现出了极大的勇气。)

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