rugby是什么意思 rugby的读音、翻译、用法

rugby是什么意思 rugby的读音、翻译、用法

rugby 是英语单词,不是任何国家的语言。rugby 翻译成中文是橄榄球,是一种源于英国的球类运动,通常由两支队伍各15人组成,在矩形草地上进行比赛,比赛的目的是将橄榄球传到对方的球门区并在球门区内放地球。

以下是含有 rugby 的9个例句:

1. Rugby is the most popular sport in New Zealand.(橄榄球是新西兰最受欢迎的运动。)

2. She played rugby for her university team.(她为大学橄榄球队效力。)

3. The rugby match was cancelled due to bad weather.(橄榄球比赛因恶劣天气被取消。)

4. Rugby players wear protective gear to prevent injuries.(橄榄球运动员穿着防护装备以防止受伤。)

5. The All Blacks are the most successful rugby team in history.(全黑队是历史上最成功的橄榄球队。)

6. I am going to watch the rugby game with my friends.(我要和朋友一起观看橄榄球比赛。)

7. The Rugby World Cup is held every four years.(橄榄球世界杯每xx年举办一次。)

8. He injured his shoulder while playing rugby.(他在打橄榄球时受伤了肩膀。)

9. The rugby team from South Africa won the championship.(来自南非的橄榄球队赢得了冠军。)

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