vaudeville是什么意思 vaudeville的读音、翻译、用法

vaudeville是什么意思 vaudeville的读音、翻译、用法



1. The performance tonight is a vaudeville show with singers, dancers, and comedians.(今晚的表演是一个歌舞杂耍秀,有歌手、舞者和喜剧演员。)

2. He got his start in vaudeville, and then moved on to Broadway.(他从歌舞杂耍开始,然后转到了百老汇。)

3. The vaudeville acts were very popular in the 1920s and 1930s.(20世纪xx年代和xx年代,歌舞杂耍表演非常受欢迎。)

4. Many famous comedians started out in vaudeville before moving on to television and film.(许多著名的喜剧演员在歌舞杂耍之前开始,然后转而进入电视和电影界。)

5. The vaudeville show lasted for three hours and included a variety of acts.(歌舞杂耍表演持续了三个小时,包括各种各样的表演。)

6. The vaudeville theater was packed with people eager to see the show.(歌舞杂耍剧院挤满了渴望看到表演的观众。)

7. The vaudeville era saw the rise of many famous performers, including Charlie Chaplin and Mae West.(歌舞杂耍时代诞生了许多著名的演员,包括查理·卓别林和梅·韦斯特。)

8. The vaudeville performers were known for their elaborate costumes and lively dance routines.(歌舞杂耍表演者以他们精美的服装和活泼的舞蹈节目而闻名。)

9. The vaudeville show was a big hit, and the performers received a standing ovation at the end.(歌舞杂耍表演大获成功,演员在结束时得到了起立鼓掌的欢迎。)

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