'Grevillea robusta'是英语,中文翻译为“金合欢”。
Grevillea robusta是一种常绿乔木,原产于澳大利亚东海岸地区,也被称为黄花银(oak)树。它可以生长到30米高,花朵呈深红色或桔红色,开放于深秋或冬季。它是一种适应能力很强的树种,可以生长在各种土壤和气候条件下。它广泛种植用于林荫道和花园中,也是鸟类和昆虫的栖息地。
以下是9个包含“Grevillea robusta”的例句:
1. Grevillea robusta is a popular ornamental tree in many countries.('Grevillea robusta'是许多国家受欢迎的观赏树木。)
2. The flowers of Grevillea robusta attract many birds to our garden.('Grevillea robusta'的花朵吸引了许多鸟类来到我们的花园。)
3. The wood of Grevillea robusta is used to make furniture and paper.('Grevillea robusta'的木材被用于制作家具和纸张。)
4. The leaves of Grevillea robusta are used in traditional medicine in some countries.('Grevillea robusta'的叶子在某些国家的传统医学中被使用。)
5. Grevillea robusta is known for its fast growth and resilience.('Grevillea robusta'以其快速生长和适应性而闻名。)
6. The bark of Grevillea robusta is rich in tannins and has been used to tan leather.('Grevillea robusta'的树皮富含单宁,被用于制革。)
7. The seeds of Grevillea robusta can be roasted and eaten as a snack.('Grevillea robusta'的种子可以烤着吃作为零食。)
8. Grevillea robusta is a valuable source of pollen and nectar for bees.('Grevillea robusta'对于蜜蜂来说是重要的花粉和蜜源。)
9. Grevillea robusta is a protected species in some parts of its native range.('Grevillea robusta'在其原产地某些地区是一种受保护的物种。)