'profenofos' 这个词语源于英语,是一种有机磷杀虫剂,常译为普罗菲诺斯。它经常被用于农业以保护植物免受害虫的侵害,也被用于家庭园艺中。同时,该化学物质也被认为是一种有害物质,对环境和人类健康带来潜在风险。目前,它已被一些国家禁止使用。
1. Profenofos is a highly toxic insecticide used in agriculture. (Profenofos 是一种高度有毒的杀虫剂,用于农业中。)
2. The use of profenofos can cause adverse environmental effects. (使用 profenofos 可能会对环境造成不良影响。)
3. Profenofos is commonly used in the control of aphids and other pests. (Profenofos 常被用于控制蚜虫等害虫。)
4. The sale and use of profenofos has been banned in many countries due to its potential health risks. (由于其潜在的健康风险,很多国家已经禁止销售和使用 profenofos。)
5. Farmers need to be careful when using profenofos to avoid harming beneficial insects. (农民使用 profenofos 时需要小心,以避免伤害有益昆虫。)
6. The toxicological profile of profenofos shows that it poses a risk to human health. (Profenofos 的毒理学特性表明它对人类健康带来风险。)
7. There is a growing concern over the use of profenofos and other pesticides in agriculture. (人们越来越担忧农业中使用 profenofos 和其他杀虫剂的问题。)
8. The use of profenofos is strictly regulated in some countries to minimize its impact on the environment. (一些国家对 profenofos 的使用进行了严格的监管,以最小化其对环境的影响。)
9. The health effects of exposure to profenofos are not yet fully understood. (接触 profenofos 对健康的影响还没有得到完全的了解。)