1. 'Wuwei'是中国的词语,中文翻译为“无为”。
2. 'Wuwei'最初出现在《道德经》中,是道家思想的核心概念之一,强调在日常生活中的不作为、无为而治,通过消除人为干预的因素,达到自然平衡的状态。
3. 例句1:去年冬天,我和朋友一起去青海旅行,感受到了大自然的无为而治。(中文翻译:Last winter, I traveled to Qinghai with my friend and felt the natural 'wuwei' of nature.)
4. 例句2:课堂上,老师总是强调“无为而治”的重要性,鼓励我们学会放下执念,接纳事物的本来面貌。(中文翻译:In class, the teacher always emphasizes the importance of 'wuwei' and encourages us to learn to let go of our attachments and accept things as they are.)
5. 例句3:xx年的河东,xx年的河西,不紧不慢,不动声色,正是无为而治的体现。(中文翻译:Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west, neither fast nor slow, neither loud nor quiet, is the embodiment of 'wuwei'.)
6. 例句4:领导强调,要“少管闲事,多做实事”,这也是一种无为而治的理念。(中文翻译:The leader emphasizes that we should "mind our own business and do more practical work", which is also a concept of 'wuwei'.)
7. 例句5:在瑜伽练习中,无为而治的心态可以帮助我们更好地理解融入自己的呼吸和身体动作。(中文翻译:In yoga practice, a 'wuwei' mindset can help us better understand and integrate our breath and body movements.)
8. 例句6:在工作中,有时候采取无为而治的态度可以让人更快地适应变化的环境,大胆尝试新的事物。(中文翻译:In work, sometimes adopting a 'wuwei' attitude can help people adapt to changing environments more quickly and boldly try new things.)
9. 例句7:和朋友一起旅行,就像是体验无为而治的旅程,只需要全身心地享受旅途的美好,不必过分担心未来。(中文翻译:Traveling with friends is like experiencing a journey of 'wuwei', where we can simply enjoy the beauty of the trip with our whole hearts without worrying too much about the future.)
10. 例句8:中国传统文化中的“无为而治”思想,也被称为“治国之道”,对今天的国家治理也有借鉴意义。(中文翻译:The traditional Chinese cultural concept of 'wuwei' is also known as the "way of governance", and has reference significance for today's national governance.)
11. 例句9:学习“无为而治”需要有一颗平和的心态,不要被表面的风景所迷惑,要学会发现内心的平静与美好。(中文翻译:To learn 'wuwei' requires a peaceful mindset, not to be fooled by surface scenery, and to learn to discover the inner peace and beauty.)