1. Sclerotinia borealis对于柿子产生了很大的威胁。(英文:Sclerotinia borealis is a major threat to persimmons.)
2. 在穿孔手术后,Sclerotinia有可能导致手术部位感染。(英文:Sclerotinia is a potential cause of infection at the site of perforation surgery.)
3. 这种真菌Sclerotinia homoeocarpa是高尔夫球场上的病害。(英文:The fungus Sclerotinia homoeocarpa is a disease on golf courses.)
4. Sclerotinia scabrosa会导致苹果树生长缓慢和果实退化。(英文:Sclerotinia scabrosa causes slow growth and fruit deterioration in apple trees.)
5. 在墨西哥,Sclerotinia sclerotiorum感染了许多黄瓜植株。(英文:In Mexico, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum infected many cucumber plants.)
6. 新西兰的李子生产受到了Sclerotinia laxa的严重侵袭。(英文:Plum production in New Zealand has been severely affected by Sclerotinia laxa.)
7. Sclerotinia trifoliorum感染了草莓植株,导致果实变腐。(英文:Sclerotinia trifoliorum infected strawberry plants, causing fruit rot.)
8. 俄罗斯的油菜生产因Sclerotinia sclerotiorum的流行而受损。(英文:Russia's rapeseed production is affected by the prevalence of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum.)
9. Sclerotinia菌丝体在土壤中可以存活多年。(英文:Sclerotinia mycelium can survive in the soil for many years.)